Beyond Boundaries Conference

September 28, 2024 @ 8:30AM — 3:00PM Eastern Time (US & Canada)

Baltimore Unity Hall : 1505 Eutaw Pl Baltimore, MD 21217 Get Directions

Beyond Boundaries Conference image

Civic Engagement and Democracy with Baltimore Community Leaders

BEYOND BOUNDARIES will take place Saturday, September 28, from 8:30 am to 3:00 pm at Baltimore Unity Hall, 1505 Eutaw Place. We will gather to learn, grow, network, and celebrate as we work together to build a more civically engaged Baltimore and a stronger democracy.

Our event is by and for community leaders, with the following inspiring lineup of workshop topics and leaders:

  • Advocating for Transportation Improvements in Your Neighborhood (Vanessa Braddy)
  • Ballot Initiatives: Friend or Foe of a Racially Just Democracy in Baltimore? (Lawrence Grandpre of Leaders of a Beautiful Struggle)
  • Be a Block Captain: Civic Engagement at the Neighborhood Level (Ashiah Parker & Kendra Nelson of No Boundaries Coalition, Charly Carter of Step Up Maryland)
  • Boards, Commissions & Associations: Stay Focused on Outcomes & Action (Peter Metsopoulos and Cristina Easton of Arcadia Strategy Group)
  • Community Connections and Bridging Relationships through the Baybrook Violence Reduction Plan (Michelle Rich & the Baybrook Violence Reduction team)
  • Democratizing the Local Economy (Ryan Corrigan of Invest York Road & Taji Amani of Baltimore Roundtable for Economic Democracy)
  • Dos and Don’ts of Inclusive Community Building (Cameryn Okeke & Barclay-Old Goucher neighbors)
  • Empowering Community Leaders: Effective Strategies for Civic Engagement (Allen Blackwell of National Voter Registration Day)
  • Intergenerational Leadership: Sowing the Seeds for Youth and Elders to Lead Effectively Together (Kisha Webster of Greenmount West Community Center Foundation, and Greenmount West neighbors)
  • Project 2025: Echoes of Slavery Threatening Maryland's Pathway to Freedom (Marcus Kelly)
  • Running for Office 101: What Aspiring Candidates Need to Know (Ashley Esposito, elected Baltimore City School Commissioner, and former City Councilwoman Shannon Sneed)
  • Storytelling for Change: A Student Advocacy Journey (David Arowolo & Qamryn Askew of Maryland Association of Student Councils, and No Boundaries Youth Organizer Karen Bristol)
  • The Critical Role of Election Judges (James McLaughlin and Tasmin Swanson of Baltimore Votes & Baltimore Votes Student Advisory Board)
  • The Divine Nine in Community Engagement (Senator Antonio Hayes)
  • Volunteer Your Way to a Stronger Community (Mark Johnson of No Boundaries Coalition)
  • Voting and Civic Engagement for Returning Citizens (Antoin Quarles of H.O.P.E. Baltimore)

The program includes breakfast, lunch, and three workshop sessions, with a keynote address by Baltimore Teachers Union President Diamonté Brown. Tickets are $10 for individuals and small nonprofits, but no one will be turned away. Gift tickets have been pre-paid by our generous event sponsors – just select the $0 “Beyond Boundaries Gift” option when registering. To be a ticket sponsor, choose the “Sponsor Package option” (covers 1 ticket for you and 5 gift tickets).

The Baltimore Civic Engagement Partnership is grateful to Fund for Change and Baltimore Votes for their financial support, and to our many event partners.

$1,225 raised by 81 people


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