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Help Fresh at the Avenue Continue to Serve Central West Baltimore

Fresh at the Avenue is the realization of a community's demand for access to fresh, affordable, high quality produce for Central West Baltimore's residents.

In 2013, No Boundaries Coalition collected stories from Central West Baltimore families about their needs as residents in Sandtown-Winchester, Upton, Madison Park, Reservoir Hill, Penn-North, Bolton Hill, and Druid Heights. Overwhelmingly we heard three things: safer neighborhoods, meaningful opportunities for youth, and access to fresh and affordable food.

For two years, food advocates worked to do the research and lead a campaign that would doubly hold local retailers accountable to the foods they were providing and to bring a full service grocery store to our neighborhood. We faced many obstacles and decided that our community could not wait. We must be the solution for ourselves.

Since Fresh at the Avenue launched in 2016, it has been on a mission to improve personal and community health by providing dignified access to fresh, affordable produce, education, and meaningful employment and volunteer opportunities. Our model continues to prove that poor, and working class families who live in food apartheid do spend money on locally grown, organic, and minimally processed, nutrient dense foods. Just last year, we sold $60,000 in produce at just one day per week.

This year, we want to do more, but we need your help! Fresh at the Avenue has a goal of adding 4 operational days by June 2020. To do this, we need your support to sell even more produce, provide even more match funds via our Double Dollar SNAP participation incentive, and to create more jobs for area youth who participate in our Operations Management Internship. Consider making a donation today!